Music Inc Magazine August 2024

W hen it comes to creating the ultimate customer experi- ence, the impression your business creates should extend far beyond the four walls of your retail store. It should be felt in the branding of your logo and any check-stand handouts. It should be palpable in the “hellos” and “how can I helps?” of your staff (both in-person and via Podium chats). And it should be evident in the design of your website and extend through to your social media presence. One great example of a store embodying a brand is Carter Vintage Guitars. PERSPECTIVE I BY KATIE KAILUS MORE THAN A STORE

As this month’s cover subject, the Nashville, Tennessee-based vintage guitar dealer is more than just a store specializing in pre- owned guitars. It’s a whole vibe. So, when the store became so popular it could no longer fit its inventory into its existing footprint, owner Ben Montague and the team knew it was time to move the storefront — and its well-loved vibe — across the street. “We’d all agreed that we had outgrown our current space,” Montague explains in the cover story, which starts on page 38. “But we then had to sort of ask ourselves, ‘Well, how do we maintain the look and the feel and the heart of the old building and try to improve that experience for our customers in the new space?’”

That question was answered with a decision to not re-invent the wheel. Instead, the Carter Vintage team took the design and vibe that worked so well at the old space and duplicated it in the new space — going as far as using the same muralists to create the wall art and even installing the same door handle. “As soon as they see the building, they’re greeted with the original mural that was created by the same artist who did the original murals on the old building, so there’s that immediate familiarity when you come to the front door,” Montague said. “And then you experience that familiarity when you walk through to the main entrance. It’s the same merchandise and accessories and the same comfortable seating area where people can grab soft drinks and read some magazines. Then, when they walk through to the main showroom, it really is quite awe-inspiring to see the amount of inventory we have because it’s all on display. It’s beautifully lit because we have open windows. So, that really gives light to the beautiful woods and the colors and the finishes of all the instruments. So, we really wanted to make sure that there was a familiarity to that, but at the same time, it had that pop factor.” Creating an experience for your customers that extends beyond just being a source for them to buy a pack of strings or a new drumhead can set your business light-years apart from the competition. Head over to page 38 for some inspiration on how to craft the ideal music store “vibe” from the leader in vibe-y music stores. MI


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