Music Inc Magazine August 2024

HARMAN PROMOTES SCHOEN TO VP OF NORTH AMERICAN SALES H arman Professional Solutions has promoted Michael Schoen to vice

president and general manager of North America sales, following the retirement of Roland Rice. Schoen, who previously served as senior director of pro AV sales for North America for Harman Profes- sional Solutions, brings more than three decades of experience in sales

Michael Schoen

and marketing to his new role. In his previous position at Har- man, Schoen led a team of 40 employees and more than 100 independent sales representatives, playing a pivotal role in over- seeing sales growth across Harman Professional’s eight brands. Schoen’s extensive career includes senior positions at Akai USA, HomeBase and Walmart. “Mike Schoen’s ascension to this critical leadership role is ideal because he not only provides important continuity to our sales channel, but his enthusiasm and creativity will bring new opportunities for us in the future,” said Jaime Albors, senior vice president global sales and business development at Har- man Professional Solutions. {} ROYER LABS NAMES JOHN JENNINGS PRESIDENT R oyer Labs has announced the retirement of president and

co-founder Rick Perrotta, effective immediately. John Jennings, Royer’s co-founder and 26-year vice president of sales and marketing, has assumed the role of company president. Jennings established and main- tained the company’s dealer/distribu- tor network and has directed Royer’s

Rick Perrotta (left) and John Jennings.

overall marketing and branding strategies from the beginning. In Royer’s early days, he attended countless recording sessions, introducing producers, engineers and artists to Royer ribbon microphones and photographing them in action. “These 26 years have been one of the most rewarding peri- ods of my life,” Perrotta said. “From our start in my backyard guesthouse to our presence as an industry leader in high-end microphones and accessories, it’s been an incredible experience that I am very proud of. While I may not be in the office on a regular basis going forward, I will still be involved with the company and the wonderful people that constitute Royer Labs.” Jennings’ vice president of sales and marketing position will be taken over by industry vet Dave Bryce. {}


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