Music Inc Magazine August 2024

Ben Montague

I f a guitar collector were to envision their version of Mecca, it would most likely look a lot like Carter Vintage Guitars’ new Nashville showroom. Thousands (yes, you read that right) of vintage and new acoustics, electrics, basses, mandolins, banjos and other stringed instruments line the walls. A giant guitar mural wel- comes you on the way in and friendly faces help guide you through your Carter Vintage journey.

It’s a winning formula that has served Carter Vintage Guitars well since its found- ers Walter and Christie Carter started the business in 2012. But two years ago, when Ben Montague, a musician, native Brit and founder of The North American Guitar (TNAG), purchased the business from the retiring Carters, some were concerned the tradition would change. Further concern came when it was announced that Carter Vintage Guitars would move to a new loca-

tion right across the street in Nashville’s historic Antiques building. Would the vibe that Carter Vintage Guitars had carefully curated for the last decade remain intact? Would “Nashville’s friendliest guitar store” continue to be as welcoming as it once had been? All of those facets played an important role in Montague and his team’s decision- making process when moving locations. “With any change, it can be disturbing


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