Music Inc Magazine August 2024

THE SOFTWARE Experts share tips for stocking and promoting software at an MI dealership.

W hen it comes to expanding product categories in an MI showroom, not a lot of new markets exist. The traditional full-line retailer has at least a few drum sets, a good selection of guitars and ukes, a decent array of keyboards, a variety of B&O instruments, and all the classic mics and speakers to go along with it. So what’s one segment that most MI retailers can still expand upon? Music software. By stock- ing music software, retailers can meet the demands of recording customers and become a multifaceted resource. Software not only attracts new customers but also retains exist- ing ones, who might otherwise turn to online stores for their software needs. Serj Kirsanov, Ted Brown Music’s pro- audio buyer, said his store’s main goal is to create more music-makers, and the way it achieves that is by providing musicians with

the best, most affordable tools, including a wide range software and their components. “We sell a variety of interfaces, but the one that stands out is PreSonus Studio One which has been a great part-

“I explain to my customers that software is like a hammer,” Kirsanov said. “It’s a tool, so you have to learn how to build the building. If you get a gold, silver, platinum, or the most expensive

ner with us,” Kirsanov said. “The beauty of PreSonus

one, if you don’t know how to nail it, you’re not going to build anything. You need to choose a brand that’s versatile and get to know it. It’s important to build trust, learn how to use it and slowly start upgrading.” According to Kirsanov, Ted Brown Music has been a champion of incorporating soft-

is combining your record- ings so everything works together. They also of- fer Studio One+ where you can have different subscriptions and they give you a lot of tools like external plugins that all work together. This is the most versatile tool that we sell.” These subscriptions cater to various levels of users, from beginners to seasoned professionals, offering an array of resources that can be tailored to specific needs.

ware since the late 1980s by using Pro Tools before it even became Pro Tools. “By offering software, we have another tool in our toolbox when we’re in the field


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