DPA MICROPHONES ACQUIRES AUSTRIAN AUDIO D PA Microphones has announced it has acquired the majority share of Vienna-based Austrian Audio.
theatre, live events and recording studios. By joining forces, the brands will design and develop professional audio solutions that meet the evolving demands within the acoustical and digital fields, all while prioritizing the user experience. “Austrian Audio is a rising star for high-end audio solutions, and I am excited to join forces with such a strong team of audio professionals,” said Kalle Hvidt Nielsen, DPA Microphones’ CEO. “I know that together we can deliver increasingly innovative products and further enhance the service for our customers, which will elevate both brands to new heights. It is impressive to see what Austrian Audio has already achieved in its short lifetime, and we are thrilled to welcome such a competent partner into the family.” Martin Seidl, Austrian Audio CEO and shareholder, said this acquisition is an important step towards the dream of intro- ducing the brand’s high-quality solutions to even more sound engineers worldwide. “Kalle first approached me at an in- dustry event where both our brands were participating, and I was thrilled,” Seidl
(MI), solidifying MI as a showcase center for Pearl’s flagship Masters and Reference series drum sets. This collaboration gives MI’s percussion students exclusive access to perform and refine their craft on Pearl’s drum kits. To celebrate the partnership, Pearl Drums and MI hosted a launch event on March 8, featuring renowned drummer Nate Morton, best known for his work on NBC TV show The Voice. “MI College of Music and Pearl Drums share a deep commitment to excellence, innovation and the next generation of musi- cians,” said Todd Berhorst, MI president. “For decades, MI has been a cornerstone for aspiring artists, providing a hands- on, immersive education rooted in real- Founded in 2017 by former AKG Vi- enna employees, Austrian Audio builds on that heritage to deliver high-quality audio products. Leveraging more than 350 years of com- bined engineering experience, the mission of the Austrian Audio team is to “make passion heard.” This is accomplished by developing and producing innovative mi- crophones, headphones and audio tools while maintaining a strong connection to the brand’s deep acoustical heritage. According to a statement from DPA, Austrian Audio caught the attention of DPA Microphones with its fast-growing brand, highly skilled team of dedicated engineers and product portfolio that complements DPA’s offerings. DPA is a manufacturer within several miniature microphone cat- egories, while Austrian Audio has a strong offering of large diaphragm microphones. Together, the brands provide a broader product range for discerning sound engi- neers in industries like broadcast, musical,
said. “To be recognized as a strong and influential brand after only four years in the market was such a great honor for Austrian Audio, and me personally. It is fantastic to have been selected to join forces with such an experienced and globally re- nowned partner. I very much look forward to what lies ahead for both brands, which are now in a great position to serve the professional audio industry with passion- ate innovations.” Working in partnership with DPA Mi- crophones, Austrian Audio will continue to develop and manufacture high-quality audio products under its own name in Vienna. {dpamicrophones.com; austrian.audio} rectly into MI’s classrooms, studios and performance spaces. By giving students direct access to Pearl’s industry-leading equipment and expertise, we’re ensuring that MI continues to set the standard for contemporary music education. We are thrilled to collaborate with Pearl and Pro Drum Hollywood, who share our vision of inspiring and equipping the next genera- tion of musicians.” “We’re thrilled to partner with Musi- cians Institute in our mission to support and inspire future drummers,” said Glen Caruba, Pearl Drums’ vice president of sales and marketing. “Providing students with hands-on experience with Pearl’s Masters and Reference series aligns with our com- mitment to excellence in sound, crafts- manship and education. {pearldrums.com}
Pearl Drums Partners with Musicians Institute P earl Drums has announced a new part- nership with the Musicians Institute
world industry connections. Likewise, Pearl Drums has a long-standing legacy of crafting some of the finest percussion instruments in the world — trusted by legendary drummers across genres. This partnership marks an exciting new chap- ter, bringing Pearl’s world-class drums di-
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