Music Inc Magazine April 2025


The guitarist for rock band Young the Giant shares his love for his Fender Strat, named ‘Rose,’ as well as his favorite pedals at the moment. ERIC CANNATA Music Inc.: What was your first instrument? Eric Cannata: My first instrument was a blue Fender Squier Strat that was a gift from my parents when I was 10 years old. I still have it laying around, although it doesn’t work anymore, and I made some questionable childhood “mods,” such as cutting the pickguard and add- ing red sharpie to the knobs. MI: What is your all-time favorite guitar? EC: This is a hard one, but my 2008 Fender Strat I named Rose has a spe- cial place in my heart. I’ve had it for half my life, played it on many record- ings and toured with it for years. It’s very comfortable to play and versatile. I love the rounder bell-like sound of the neck pick-up to the chime-y chirp of the bridge pick-up. MI: Are there any new or emerging pieces of gear you’ve recently tried that have caught your eye or inspired you? EC: I went down a pedal rabbit hole over the years that I’m only now climbing out of. Most recently, I’ve been enjoy- ing different boutique fuzz pedals like the R2R Electric Supa MKII Fuzz, the Soundgas Type 636P and the Jext Telez White Pedal. Another semi-new pedal that I love is the Generation Loss from Chase Bliss. I like its particular flavor of lo-fi warble. — By Kimberly Kapela


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