I’d tell them to please take a look at the margins we’re offering the dealers who get behind the product line. I adjusted prices in 2024 to give about 40% on most of our products. Peavey has always tried to be a beneficial part - ner to dealers. We believe if we make the dealer money, we’ll make money, too. SWITCHING GEARS A BIT, ARE YOU A MUSICIAN YOURSELF? There are too many talented musicians that work for Peavey for me to get into the mix. I’ll stick to iTunes for my music experience. WHAT’S PLAYING ON YOUR ITUNES AT THE MOMENT? It looks like the last playlist I listened to on my iTunes is “Worldwide Chill.” COOL. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE BAND TO LISTEN TO? I think the Eagles take the title of my favorite band. We did the audio for a short-lived Hard Rock Park in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, about 20 years ago,
and they played the opening of the park.
NICE. WHERE DO YOU HOPE TO SEE PEAVEY GO AS A COMPANY IN THE NEXT FIVE-TO-10 YEARS? I hope to see us creating some of the most inspirational music products on the market. We’re always trying to cre- ate new and improved products that musicians want, and I hope that will continue. I look forward to MediaMatrix gaining ground in the commercial audio division and once again being the leader in the network audio installa- tions. The Peavey brand is known around the world, and I want to expand that beyond musicians and make it a household name. IF YOU WEREN’T WORKING IN THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT INDUSTRY, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’D BE DOING FOR WORK? I can’t speculate on what might have been, but I worked in real estate and finance prior to joining Peavey. Seems like if I recall a couple of high school aptitude tests, they said I should be in forestry or a florist. I’m not so sure those are too accurate, but I would like to be outside more often than I am today. MI
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