Music Inc Magazine September 2024

> Page 24 Next-Gen Retailing > Page 25 E-Commerce Reverberations > Page 26 Women of NAMM

THE MARKETING GURU I BY TRACY HOEFT 6 VIDEO CONCEPTS TO TRY NOW S ocial media has moved from friends and pho- tos to dopamine-driv- ing, short-form vid- eos. TikTok ushered the instrument. Consider using a pointy guitar typically associated with metal to play bluegrass music or do some death metal on a piano.

CONCEPT #3 - The Versus Video . This type directly compares two related products in a short demo. We’ve had some great performing videos recently comparing the prior version of a product to the newest generation. CONCEPT #4 - How To Make Your [Insert Instrument Here] Sound Better . Players are always looking for tips. Be the expert to help them sound better. A specific idea might be: “How to make a snare sound better.” CONCEPT #5 - The [Insert Topic Here] Secret Only The Pros Know . Here is another great opportunity to showcase your expertise, while helping your target customer. An example is “The Recording Secret That Only Pros Know.” CONCEPT #6 - We Tested Every [Enter Prod- uct Category Here] So You Don’t Have To . You have a store full of product. Use this as a competitive edge in content creation. Take out every distortion pedal that you have and do a comparison video. If you start with a winning concept, you can grow your customer base on TikTok, In- stagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. Happy creating! MI

in this change, but today, it’s the primary driver of success on all of the major platforms. One of the most common questions I get asked is: What type of videos I should make for TikTok, Insta- gram Reels and YouTube Shorts? Before we get into a few con- cept ideas, you must first recognize that these platforms rarely reward you for posting lots of content. In- stead, they’re anxious to reward you handsomely for creating great content. To them, “great content” is defined as videos their users want to watch, which they gauge based on analytics like viewer retention (i.e. watching the entire video), likes, comments and shares. In short, you need to make videos that the people you want to reach will want to watch. Don’t post videos that tell them what you want to tell them, but instead that entertain, inform or educate them. Success on TikTok and other platforms almost always starts with a winning concept. Part of that is using a concept that the viewer quickly (within three sec- onds) knows is of interest to them. That usually means an idea that’s easy to understand. Most success- ful creators report spending more time developing their ideas than shooting the video itself. Instead of

Social media video concepts that are consistent winners.

rushing to make a video no one will watch, plan for a video that will connect with your target customer. My team and I track the per- formance of content made for musicians from more than 1,500 brands, dealers and influencers to keep up with what’s working, and we’ve found a few formats that are consistent winners. These are them. CONCEPT #1 - Unboxing ASMR . People love unboxing videos and they love ASMR. For the uninitiated, ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and is defined as audio or video that gives you a “tingly feeling.” In social media

videos, though, it’s often used to describe videos that capture the sound of something unexpected and interesting. For this concept, do an unboxing, exaggerating the audio as you capture each step in opening the package. If you’re a dealer, think of how many packages you open each week. You have a content-rich environment there, and this is a sneaky way to show your customers new arrivals. CONCEPT #2 - Does It [Insert Unexpected Genre Here]? This is a great platform to do some playing demos that get attention. Do a demo playing in a music style that is unexpected for

Tracy Hoeft is the president of Am- plify 11, a marketing firm specializing in the musical instrument industry.


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