Music Inc Magazine September 2024


S tarting out in any new industry can be daunting, and I was lucky to have found a place that believed in the power of mentorship and growth. My time at Brighton Music Center in Pittsburgh began when I came straight from college with not an idea of what I wanted to do with my life. Early on, I was encouraged to think independently and to bring fresh perspectives to the table. It was my boss, Rich- ard, whose guidance and freedom to explore new ideas that truly shaped my path. A few years later, I got more involved with NAMM

nities to offer to those who are fortunate enough to attend. With opportunities to network as well as think alongside like-minded industry professionals, it has opened my eyes to new growth possibilities available.” Seeing Josh and Cori thrive at NAMM NeXT made me un- derstand how Richard must have felt when I first started. There’s a unique satisfaction in watch- ing others grow and knowing you’ve played a part in their journey. Encouraging Josh and Cori to immerse themselves in the industry, regardless of where their paths might lead, felt like a way of paying it forward. It’s a testament to the enduring impact of mentorship and the cycle of growth and support. IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU The theme of passing the torch is not just about stepping back to let others shine, but about growing together. As Josh and Cori embark on their professional journeys, I’m reminded that every step we take to support and uplift others also propels us forward. I encourage the top executives and leadership in other companies to do the same in the future. Help others experience NAMM for what it is and encourage them to bring their own ideas to the table. The music industry thrives on a shared passion, and by foster- ing an environment of continuous learning and encouragement, we can continue to ask and answer the question, “What’s next?” MI

and its various member subgroups, including Women of NAMM (WoN) and NAMM Young Professionals (YP), which played a huge role in my professional development — and eventually led me to attend July’s NAMM NeXT conference. A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE To be honest, I was a bit skeptical about what this NAMM NeXT was all about. I think we were all asking the same questions: “What is our benefit?” Our skepticism was 100% valid because we were nervous about spending more of our travel budget on something brand new without knowing exactly what it would turn out to be. After attending the inaugural NAMM NeXT, from the sessions alone, I can say for sure that NAMM NeXT is worth attending.

Of course, I was able to reconnect with many of my friends, but I also made many new connections. Besides the intensity of informa- tion, the content over the two-day event was incredibly impactful and useful. The theme truly exemplified “what’s next” for our industry. I’ve already started mapping out some plans and strategies for the upcoming year.

Why you should bring newer team members to industry functions — like NAMM NeXT.

WITNESSING GROWTH When traveling to Nashville, Tennessee, for NAMM NeXT, I had the privilege of bringing two of my colleagues, Josh and Cori, with me. Watching them experience their first NAMM conference was both rewarding and nostalgic. Seeing their excitement and eager- ness reminded me of my own early days in the industry. It was a full-circle moment, making me appreciate the guidance I received and the opportunity to pass it on. Josh, reflecting on his experience, said, “I really enjoyed being surrounded by people in our industry. [And] it was also nice to be able to get an outside perspective from people not in our industry.” Cori echoed similar sentiments by saying, “As a first-time NAMM participant I felt as though the program has a lot of great opportu-

Gennifer Dusold is the general manager of Brighton Music Center in Pittsburgh and a member of Women of NAMM.


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