Music Inc Magazine September 2024


HOW DO YOU START YOUR DAY? I currently split my time between two locations. During the week, I’m at Roland’s headquarters in Hamamatsu. To start those mornings, I like to reflect while having a bit of fun playing keyboard, checking the latest music and technology trends, and connecting with employees early on. This helps me stimulate my brain and prepare for the day’s work ahead. I travel home to my family in Tokyo every weekend, so I’ll typically travel to Hamamatsu on Monday mornings. During the weekends, I like to start my days with fun DIY maintenance projects around the house and garden and then spend time with my family. That’s my time to unwind each week. This balance, week by week, helps to keep me motivated. CAN YOU SHARE WITH OUR READERS A LITTLE BIT ABOUT HOW YOU BECAME INVOLVED WITH ROLAND CORPORATION? In college, I became interested in computers and net- work-related technologies. This was in the early days of the internet, allowing me to take those interests outside of the classroom, parallel with my band activities, which I had always had an active interest in from a young age. That intersection of technology and music grew my desire to work in the music industry, ultimately leading to me joining Roland in 1996. Once I joined Roland, another employee asked me what my dreams were for the company and what I hoped to achieve one day. I told them I wanted to see a “fusion of computer networks and music production sys- tems,” essentially a way to incorporate the internet into what the company was already doing. Roland Cloud is the realization of this dream. I didn’t join Roland to become a manager; I joined to create Roland Cloud, which I’m proud to say we’ve accomplished, and now I’m fortunate enough to be in a position that allows me to promote that best. THAT’S GREAT. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR MANAGEMENT STYLE? My management style is to foster an environment of collaboration and mutual respect. Innovation best occurs when our employees meet with one another within their departments and across differ- ent departments. This allows for a unique exchange of ideas, drawing inspiration throughout our company. For example, I have seen many cases in which bringing en-

gineers from different fields together in the same de- partment has resulted in surprisingly positive outcomes. This focus on collaboration applies within our company and between companies and brands. You’ll see that ap- proach with many of our partners. As a manager, I be- lieve that this emphasis on collaboration is a focal point of my leadership, and I intend to continue to promote it in the future. Additionally, regardless of your position within a company, mutual respect should always be front and center in relationships. In my career with Roland, I have worked with many other companies. I have learned the importance of putting your ego aside, respecting the other party first and foremost, and finding ways to un- derstand the other party’s perspectives and goals on a deeper level. Especially within a global company, the importance of mutual respect among partners cannot be overlooked. I’m convinced that business can only be conducted effectively with a deep acknowledgment and respect for each party’s perspective, including national- ity, background and culture. My goal as a manager is always to create an environment where this is encour- aged and expected, contributing to great success for our brands and relationships. WELL, CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING NAMED CEO EARLIER THIS YEAR. WHAT DOES THAT TITLE MEAN TO YOU? As a CEO, my real thrill is collaborating with people and companies that drive innovation. I encourage our teams to prioritize building relationships with musi- cians, creators and fans who deeply understand the value of the products and services we’re creating. By working to innovate together, we can create value for everyone. WHERE DO YOU HOPE TO TAKE ROLAND DURING YOUR TENURE AS CEO? ARE THERE ANY GOALS YOU HOPE TO ACHIEVE? Roland’s mantra, “We Design The Future,” has driven our creative approach and company values for many years. I want to continue pushing this forward as CEO, looking ahead to the future of music creation and enjoy- ment. This includes finding innovative ways to generate interest among future generations of musicians and cre- ators, from continuing to expand Roland Cloud’s capa- bilities to evolving product discovery and exploration experiences that inspire and encourage customers in the


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